25th Rencontres de l’AMRAE

“New behaviours and relationships resulting from digital transformation are causing companies to revisit their strategies and take radicaly different look at their value chains.

But their confidence is also weakened by systemic or new risks, such as the uncertain future of Europe.

However, a number of companies are building more flexible and resilient organizations. The Risk Manager actively involved in these transformations.

Let’s meet in Deauville to understand how to be a conscious and ethical player in this new digital-influenced world, and how the Risk Manager, wise person 25 years young, must meet the challenge head on if he wants to take advantage of these opportunities” Brigitte Bouquot, President of AMRAE


2500 expected delegates among which 600 risk managers, 80 hours of scientific content, 40 nationalities, 72 partners.  Les Rencontres de l’AMRAE are the place to be beginning of 2017.

Have a look at the preprogramme_deauville2017_uk(English version) or the official website